
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Baby Is Dancing

The last few days I have been feeling this motion in my belly. I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it might be lunch ( or dinner) or just whatever. Today I start to notice it more. It's like a strange little wave in my abdomen. I think I am feeling the baby moving. How cool is that!!!!! There is this little person that is growing inside of me and he/she is starting to get big enough that I can feel the movements. I can't wait until I am big enough that Kit can feel the baby too.

I have my 16thwk check up next Wed.. Hopefully we will be able to do a U/S and find out if it's a little boy or little girl. I can't wait!!!!!

So far I have only gained about 5lbs. I am so worried that I am going to gain 80lbs and outweigh my husband.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kit is right......

Kit told me sometime back that it is hard to get back into blogging once you stop for awhile. I hate to say this back he was right. I really want to blog about my pregnancy but I just have not. Earlier on I was afraid to really feel good about it just incase something happens. I am now 14wks5days and feeling good. I am start to show alittle but it is surrounded by a layer of fat. I think I feel the baby flutter every now and then, but it could be my imagination.